❕ This page is ONLY available to customers based in the United States and EU (excluding Italy and the UK). If you are in Italy, please click here. For the UK, and any other countries, please get in touch prior to ordering to check availability and shipping options. Note that the minimum order quantity is 12 bottles in multiples of 6.
Rimessa Direct Buy Wines
The prices of certain of wines are sometimes inflated, often due to the high price of distribution. We are aiming to reduce this by buying particular wines direct from the producer, and then making them to available to purchase here.
On this page you’ll initially find the option wines from producers in France, but we plan on making more from other areas in both France and Italy available shortly.
Order here:
Select your wines below. Note that the minimum bottle quantity is 12 minimum, in multiples of 6.
All prices include shipping.
For questions, please get in touch via michela@nullrimessaroscioli.com